Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Future Stuff

I should change the title of this blog to "Musings," because that's just what I'm going to do here now--muse about things. In other words, I'm entertaining myself! Ha!

I'm sitting here, waiting for a video by Loral Langemeier to download. It's about becoming an entrepreneur, I think. Part of her philosophy is that the Industrial Age, with its salaries and retirement programs, is past and will never return. So, one needs to use any skill set one currently has and start a business with it--RIGHT NOW.

I've been considering my skill sets. My house is clean only sporadically, and I would not want to clean other people's houses, anyway. I brush the dogs almost daily, so that's out. I get compliments on my hair, but that's because it kind of goes the way it wants to, and it turns out that that way looks good. (My hairdresser has gotten a lot of business, because people stop me in stores and ask for her phone number! Ha! It has a lot to do with the cut and not so much to do with my less-than-stellar ability to fix it! Ha!)

Back to my skill set. I can play the piano--used to be decent, now not so much. Also, I have no patience, so I don't want to teach kids whose parents say they "should" take lessons, but said kids have no interest and, therefore, won't practice. Boring for me, as well as for them! Ha! I homeschooled my daughters, but I've been out of that market for eight years, and I'm kind of done with that, anyway. I've passed on a lot of information about where to get curricula, where to figure out the changes in state laws, how to be a legal homeschooler, etc. None of it warrants a separate entity that looks it up for you. Ironically, I had someone look stuff up for me when I was doing it! Ha! The eight years that have passed probably include several updates that I now lack, too.

Back to skill sets: I can cook, but I was struggling to come up with wonderful recipes for the cooking blog. Many of them were mediocre, I thought. Marste said most people would LOVE to have mediocre--a few levels up from horrible, which is where many people are! I laughed at that! And once I'd fixed something mediocre, the challenge was fixing it again in the very near future, and adjusting--or adding to--the seasonings and ingredients to make it wonderful. How many days in a row can one eat the same dish?? Steve wouldn't have been happy! Ha!

I did take classes in Archetypal Counseling through CMED, Caroline Myss's institute in Chicago, and I did become certified. But that needs to be done in person, unless someone wants to buy his/her own archetype cards. (I would actually recommend doing this; they're great for daily guidance!) Healing Touch is an in-person thing, too.

I would really like to have an internet business. I don't care about the stereotypical sitting in pjs to work; I like being dressed. I'm sure there's something I can do that is internet-viable, and I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point!

My video is probably downloaded now, so I'll part company! I'm still thinking, though....

Monday, March 16, 2009


Okay, so I am, at the moment, involved in giving my dad IV antibiotics.  My energy is low, and I feel like crying.

This is funny, because I've occasionally considered getting a nursing degree or, at least, the 9 month training to become a nurse.  I'd do this, because I've noticed that during an economic "crisis," both in a person's life and up to and including globally, people get sick.  They are less likely to turn to an alternative healer, because their insurance pays for allopathic med's--docs and drugs--and not for homeopathists, OMDs, etc.  Sometimes chiropractors and acupuncturists on a limited basis, but not always even those!

There's irony (in my personal opinion) in my contemplation of nursing.  I dislike hospitals and doctors' offices because of their lower energy levels and because of the smells.  UGH!  I figured that was a "getting used to it" thing.  I also never--never!--go to a doctor's office, because I'm allergic to every drug known to man!  And if I refuse to take a doctor's drug recommendation, preferring instead to try an herb or something, I am listed as "uncooperative."  I would rather not have a lot of those on my record, especially if I get hit by a bus, or something, and need my insurance to pay hospital costs!  (Please note:  I am VERY, VERY careful!!!!!!!!!!!)  I figure that I've seen people on chemotherapy be killed with drugs and brought back to life as they lay there.  Of course, the medical people involved usually expect the death and are prepared with the appropriate syringes full of resuscitating drugs!  Ha!

In my case, I can say, until I'm blue in the face, that I'm allergic to drugs, ask for the drug's derivation, and go try the herb to see if I react to it--this is always a much lesser reaction!--and the doctors in question are irritated beyond reason.  I'm obstinate about this, because the last drug I tried 15 years ago caused 4 days of unconsciousness on 1/4 of a tablet!  And the doc's reaction?  Oh, you are sensitive.  Try a 1/4 of a tablet.  I'd already done that, so I made my usual trip to the pharmacist, asked for the herbal derivation, tried the herb, and had a 4-hr. reaction that involved my entire body and nervous system.  But then it was done!

So, I really, truly don't participate in medicine.  Until now.  And it's IVs.  And I'm watching my dad get worse overall.  I want to shake him and say, "Eat better!" and other such stuff that will only irritate him.  Actually, that's not totally true.  Right now, he's miserable, so he'll eat better until he feels better, and since his diet leaves a lot to be desired, he feels better in a matter of a very few days.  And then he reverts.  What's the point of staying on the better-feeling diet, when I like cookies?  I feel better already!  So, his health declines again.  But it's so gradual that he doesn't realize it!

My frustration is great!  I keep telling myself that I can't control what he does, and he's suffering his own consequences, but I'm involved, because I am the "go to" person when he's ill!

So, my lifelong aversion to allopathic medicine is for naught; I'm involved in spite of my best efforts not to be!!!  LOL!

And I've decided not to become a nurse!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Experimentation 4

I'm now terrified to hit anything!  Experimentation 2 and 3 were published without any writing on them, because I hit "Return"--both times without thinking!  Automatic pilot isn't good here!  And "Return" is right next to the quote and apostrophe key, which I use often, and now I'm paranoid that I'll reach too far and accidentally publish again!  Yikes!

I have to go take Dad to the dentist.  Sandwich kid!  My brother escaped to the other side of the country; if I'd had any sense, I'd have gone, too!  Ha!

Experimentation 3

Experimentation 2